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Configuration parameters

Parameter Description Default value
callback Custom function to interact directly with internal Expressjs app /
get Custom Expressjs app get handlers array. Every handler is composed by a path and a callback function []
middlewares Custom middlewares function loaded into the Express app []
onListen Custom function called everytime the backend app is listening for incoming requests /
port Custom Expressjs app listening port 3000
post Custom Expressjs app post handlers array. Every handler is composed by a path and a callback function []
routers Custom Expressjs app routers array. Every handler is composed by a path and a Router []


Custom function to interact directly with internal Expressjs app


Custom Expressjs app get handlers array. Every handler is composed by a path and a callback function


Custom Expressjs app middlewares function loaded into the Express app


Custom function called everytime the backend app is listening for incoming requests


Custom Expressjs app listening port


Custom Expressjs app post handlers array. Every handler is composed by a path and a callback function


Custom Expressjs app routers array. Every handler is composed by a path and a Router